Social Media Trends for 2012

Social Media and TV
You can already check in to TV programs for conversations with people around the world who are watching the same shows. Steve Jobs’s last project was Apple’s iTV and the buzz is that it may transform home entertainment.

Curation of Content
Curata is a web-based content curation tool that can help you streamline your online content marketing efforts. Now you can easily find, organize and share the best content for your blog. Curata helps you to achieve higher keyword ranking in the search engines and increase website traffic.

Location-based Social Media
The technology in mobile devices is more powerful and more affordable than ever. This combination of power and economy is contributing to an increase in mobile social activity. A large user base with geographic ties allows brands to target small, qualified groups of users with unique and relevant messaging.

As search engines rely more on social signals, it is important to have an active presence in the channels that carry the most search engine weight. LinkedIn is one such channel, and can be a very effective tool for connecting with business consumers as well as getting yourself to rank higher in search engine results.