How Tai Chi Can Improve Your Writing

Guide to Tai ChiMark L. Fuerst, co-author of 11 books, has just published a guide to Tai Chi titled, “The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi: 12 Weeks to a Healthy Body, Strong Heart & Sharp Mind.” Fuerst is a member of ASJA and an award-winning health and medical writer. He recently wrote an article on how Tai Chi can improve your writing. He offers wonderful tips like these:

“A writer often sits long hours without moving. When I need a break from writing, I often do 10 minutes of simple Tai Chi exercises. This gets me up and moving after hours of sitting. The energy I gain from Tai Chi’s graceful movements not only can help focus my mind but also can energize my writing.”

“You need to be focused and pay attention to your writing to be skillful, precise, and express yourself clearly. Tai Chi can help you be in touch with what you’re feeling to engage in the writing process.”

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